Nash is FOUR!

Nash Easton. I cannot believe that you are our’s to raise. If we had to think of a few words to describe your personality, we would choose: strong willed, sensitive, energetic, hard-working and smart - sooo smart! 

Strong Willed - Nash knows what he wants and when he wants it. He has an answer for every reason that we can or can’t do something. He always finds a solution. Spending the night with his grandparents is one of his all-time favorite things. Regardless if he has clothes, or if mom and dad already said “no,” or if MeMaw has something to do in the morning. He will give you a solution to make it a possibility. 

Sensitive - This year we went through more emotions from this boy that we can possibly describe. Crying at the drop of a hat, being frustrated with his parents and sister. Mommy and Daddy are constantly “hurting his feelings” when we say no. ;) 

Energetic - Nash is basically the Energizer Bunny. He does not stop until bedtime. From the minute he wakes up in the morning he is ready to go. Jumping, talking, talking, and more talking, working, playing...oh and more talking. We can definitely see sports in his future.

Hard-working - The boy loves to work. He will work outside in the yard with Nathan for hours. He loves to work in the garden with his PawPaw. He loves cooking in the kitchen with his MawMaw. He loves construction projects with his Poppy. He loves it all! His work is never done. 

Smart - Yes - I may be biased, but I am telling you. There is no “tricking” or talking him out of anything. Nash loves to do school work. We have been working through some Pre-K curriculum at home and he always wants more. He loves to figure out why things are the way they are or how they work. His brain is constantly turning. 

This past year, Nash started the 3 year old class at preschool. He adores school and his teachers and friends. He also finished his first season of Baseball. I can’t wait until next season (thanks COVID for canceling Spring 2020). He started martial arts in the winter. We thought this would be a great idea to try for focus and obedience. Unfortunately, we only got to do the first month before COVID shut it down. We will start back up soon hopefully. He rode his first little roller coasters at Kings Dominion Winterfest and was a huge fan. He found out how fun spending the night is with his grandparents and never wants to come home - LOL. He will remind us regularly that all of the restaurants are closed because of all of the germs. His school year got cut short...again (thanks COVID!). Nash is SO excited about being a big brother again to “William Sweetheart” as he calls him. He loves to dress himself. His fashion choices are majorly questionable at times (99% of the time the clothes are on inside out and/or backwards). 

He got a Power Wheels Jeep and has already put 100,000 miles on it. His favorites are Monster Jam (we watch this daily) and Hot Wheels (we probably have watched this over 400 times). He is ALL boy! 

Some of his major dislikes are eating foods that aren’t crackers, cookies or pop tarts, and his when his sister takes his toys. 

This past Spring has not been like any of us could have imagined, but I cannot express how thankful I am that I could spend every single day with this boy. Watching him learn and grow right before my eyes has been something I will cherish forever.
