Cookie Mini Sessions

MY. MOST. FAVORITE. SESSION. OF. THE. YEAR. I absolutely adore Christmas Cookie Mini Sessions! These are so fun for me because the kids are playing and having FUN and I get to capture it all behind the lens. The smiles are so genuine. If you are a parent, you know how priceless authentic children's smiles are. LOL. The hardest part is actually when it is time to leave. There are always a few toddlers kicking and screaming because they want to stay longer. And I mean, I really don’t blame them.

The sessions start out with a few sweet (no pun intended), staged photos, and then the real fun begins! The baking process is the best part. So much flour, sugar, cookie dough, and sprinkles. I live for the smiles and laughter as the cuties roll the dough and cut out their Christmas cookies. 

We end our time together eating the most delicious sugar cookies! This year, I partnered with Tres Dulces for their beautiful custom Christmas Cookies. This is something we added this year so the kids could have some yummy cookies when they left and it was a huge hit. Until next year!

Baker: Tres Dulces